Guidance - Advice - Information - Network


Is this service right for you?

GAIN’s support is available to adults aged 25+ living in the Birmingham Local Authority Area, including singles, couples and their pets.

Eligibility collage

Health & wellbeing

financial inclusion and money management

Financial inclusion & money management

Social, community & family engagement

Accommodation & housing

Digital skills

65+ specific


We firmly believe it is never too late to make a change and want to breakdown barriers to give adults in Birmingham the right information, advice and guidance to make good life choices.

Eligible applicants will be supported by our community-based advisors who will be able to offer them in-person, digital or telephone support.

With your best interests at heart, we will help you navigate and gain access to key services to support your overall health and wellbeing.

Happy Holidays

Our office will be closed from 25th December to 2nd January 2025. For self-help resources and additional support during this time, please visit our Self-Help Hub. Any referrals received during this period will be responded to when we return to the office.
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